The Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA), a weekly payment to students aged 16-19 from low-income backgrounds, was rolled out across the UK in 2004 with the aim of boosting participation in full-time education and later-life outcomes. It was discontinued in England in 2011, but is still in place in a modified form in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

At this online event we will present findings of a new report, funded by the Nuffield Foundation, which shows the effect of the rollout of the EMA in England on both short- and long-run outcomes for disadvantaged students. IFS researchers will demonstrate the effect of the EMA on educational attainment, later-life earnings, and criminal behavior.

Following the IFS presentation, we will have responses from Professor Dame Alison Wolf (King's College London) and Paul Gregg (Labour Market Advisory Board, DWP), followed by plenty of time for Q&A from the audience.

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